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On Saturday we had Joe in the Rolls Royce, the car was lovely as was the service. On Sunday it was absolutely rubbish, We were travelling from Derby to The Dome in Buxton via Ashbourne, the normal route to Buxton is through Ashbourne. As we were concerned about running late, we asked the driver to drive to Ashbourne to meet the bride the and groom in Ashbourne they were to change from an audi A6 to the Bentley, the driver was given the name and number of the groom. It is a simple journey from Derby to ashbourne approx 20 mins, after waiting an hour for the Bentley the bride and groom contacted the owner who had poor attitude. He was reluctant to give us the number of the driver. despite repeated requests he simply could not understand simple request so we could locate the car. In the end we gave up on the car and drove to the venue in the Audi. poor attitude from the driver and the owner

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