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i simply made a comment on the day i visited this cafe, what i got was being blocked from business page on facebook, and i couldnt respond to the managers comment are her minion, as i said i thought it was a clicky place and i proved my point.
the food on that day was pretty average, and the service was the same, with the customers they new they were cheery, but i felt that there was an atmosphere, and i couldnt wait to get out. i find it sad when a business page wants reviews but clearly only want five stars, i think its best if the manager of this establishment get her self to a customer service programme.
she could have said im sorry your experience wasnt up to your standards, please call again, but no she was rude and her minions joined in as well,
free speach and all that, grow up and deal with it, i will not be going back to this cafe and would not recommend it either, what happened to the customer being right, i know thats not always true, but the manager could have handled it better