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Very disappointing service. Left my laptop with this shop for a new keyboard. Was told it would be a few days. 5 days later I called them for an update. Was told they had struggled to find the replacement keyboard and it had taken 3 days to locate, but was on order. Called again the following week, was told the keyboard had been ordered on the first day I brought it in but it had not arrived. Called the following week, keyboard not arrived. Called again the next week, keyboard still not arrived. Called again on the forth week, was told the had ordered another keyboard, as they felt the first one would not be delivered, but the second keyboard they had ordered had been delivered, but it was the wrong one. Told them I would collect it rather than wait. When I collected it lid was covered in scratches. When I got it home it would not start up, kept looping. Took it back. They had to reset, lost all software. In fairness they did save all photos. 5 weeks, no repair, scratched lid, damaged hard drive, lost software and perhaps worst or all no communication from them, I had to make all the calls for updates. Much as I like to support local businesses this is not a shop I will be using again.

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